Criminal DWI Defense in New Orleans
If you are facing charges for driving while intoxicated in New Orleans, you should be aware that a DWI is a criminal offense in Orleans Parish. A conviction could result in jail time, community service, or home monitoring. You could lose your driver’s license through an administrative suspension before you even face criminal charges in court.
DUI/DWI consequences often go beyond a sentence from the court. DUI penalties can put a strain of your family due to a license suspension and a hike in insurance premiums. You can lose your CDL if you get a DUI and possibly your job. If you are a college student, you may have to face the college disciplinary board and you may lose scholarships or grant money.
Understanding Alcohol-Related Charges in NOLA
Both Louisiana natives and tourists enjoy the many activities New Orleans has to offer. Alcohol is a big part of The Big Easy’s entertainment, whether one is participating in Mardi Gras, a Creole festival or sampling the many options at the city’s unique drive-through daiquiri shops. Drinking in public is also permitted in the French Quarter, increasing the risk for an alcohol related-arrest. Common arrests in New Orleans include
- Misdemeanor and Felony DUI
- Underage Drinking
- Out-of-State DUI
- Open Container Violations
- Vehicular Homicide & Negligent Injury
- Child Endangerment
Not all DUI arrests are handled the same way. Let a top DUI attorney like Robert McMillin manage your case and help you achieve the best possible outcome. Schedule a free consultation today and begin the fight for your rights.
Financial Implications of a DWI in New Orleans
For even a first offense DWI charge, penalties include:
- Hefty fines: ranging from $300 to $1000
- Jail time: 24 hours up to six months
- Suspension of your driver’s license: up to two years
- Mandatory community service: 40 hours or more
- License reinstatement fees which are substantial
- Criminal record in state and federal databases
Because DWI is a crime that may be an enhanced offense, the punishments for driving while intoxicated increase with every additional offense. You may be required to submit to an Ignition Interlock device on your car – and pay for it yourself. You may be sent to a substance abuse program, driver improvement program, and a MADD victim impact program at your own expense.
Legal Options Following a DUI
Pleading guilty is rarely the only option following a drinking and driving arrest. Instead, your best legal outcome could happen when your attorney:
Challenges the field sobriety test or Breathalyzer results
Fights against an illegal search
Negotiates an 894 plea to keep the conviction off your record
Argues to reduce the charge to a wet reckless conviction
You won’t know your best legal defense until you speak with a trained legal professional. Allow McMillin Law to handle your case with skill and compassion.
Serving the Greater New Orleans Area
With offices located in the Greater New Orleans metropolitan area, we serve the Northshore and Southshore of Lake Pontchartrain, including the Parishes (same as county) of Orleans, Jefferson, St. Tammany, St. Charles, St. John, and St. Bernard. We get many clients coming here for various athletic events held in New Orleans, Mardi Gras, the French Quarter, and the many festivals held in this area.
New Orleans DWI Resources
Judicial District: 41
Parish: Orleans Parish
Parish Seat: New Orleans
Orleans Parish Criminal District Court
2700 Tulane Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70119
New Orleans First City Court
421 Loyola Avenue., Room 201
New Orleans, LA 70112
New Orleans Second City Court
225 Morgan Street
New Orleans, LA 70114

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"I would recommend them to anybody who wants to make sure they have the best possible outcome."
- Lee
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